SERJ TANKIAN Scores Upcoming NETFLIX Documentary 'Hitler And The Nazis: Evil On Trial'

May 31, 2024

Grammy Award-winning SYSTEM OF A DOWN singer Serj Tankian and Vincent Pedulla have composed the original music for the upcoming Netflix original documentary series "Hitler And The Nazis: Evil On Trial".

The Third Reich was one of the bloodiest regimes in history, but are the atrocities committed during World War II being lost to modern memory? Through the framing of the Nuremberg trials and eyewitness testimony of American journalist William L. Shirer, this six-part documentary series from director Joe Berlinger explores the shocking rise and fall of Hitler and his enablers who were fueled through propaganda, censorship and a campaign of antisemitism.

Synopsis: Over the course of six hour-long episodes, "Hitler And The Nazis: Evil On Trial" tells the definitive history of the Third Reich: its ideological birth after German surrender in WWI, the fanatical and catastrophic leadership of Adolf Hitler, the ultimate destruction of the Reich at the hands of Allied forces, and the era's heady aftermath. With a narrative structured around the Nuremberg trials — including innovative narration from William L. Shirer, an American journalist who provided some of the era's most vital coverage — this gripping, prescient documentary series from filmmaker Joe Berlinger ("Paradise Lost", "The Ted Bundy Tapes", "Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster") and Smuggler Entertainment uses carefully selected archival material, including rare, recently released audio and footage of the Nuremberg trials, and elevated recreations to give viewers fresh perspective on significant events, as well a clearer understanding of the cultural, economic, political and social environment that allowed those responsible for such horrors to rise to power. By applying a cinematic and utterly modern lens to the greatest global conflagration of the 20th century, this ambitious project lays bare the deep connections between the hatred and bigotry of a bygone era — and the rising tide of authoritarianism, populism, racism and antisemitism today.

Tankian ("Truth To Power", "I Am Not Alone", "Furious") previously collaborated with Berlinger on the docuseries "Madoff: The Monster Of Wall Street", as well as "Crime Scene: The Texas Killing Fields & The Time Square Killer", which he co-scored with Pedulla.

Serj wrote on Instagram: "Was truly an honor to be asked by my good friend @joeberlinger to work on the musical score for the upcoming @netflix 'Hitler And The Nazis: Evil On Trial' series.

"Co-composer @vincentpedulla and I were asked by Joe to produce music that was based on culturally relevant Jewish compositions and folk songs, some of them having been written in the ghettos and camps during the Holocaust.

"What you're hearing now is one of those re-orchestrated and rearranged compositions. This was a very meaningful project to be a part of and I look forward to the series premiere on June 5."

"Hitler And The Nazis: Evil On Trial" will premiere on June 5, 2024 exclusively on Netflix.

Photo credit: Travis Shinn

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